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How the system works / Customisations

Manual Handling Training & Assessment

How the system works / Customisations

  • Completely customisable system to make it look like it was developed in-house by your company. This includes branding, logos, colours, questions, responses, certificate branding, training colours and more.
  • A comprehensive training slideshow covers all aspects of manual handling techniques and procedures.
  • A detailed manual handling risk assessment for each manual handling scenario or activity that is part of an employee’s job function. More than 40 scenarios are available and more can be added or custom created to suit your requirements.
  • Following the completion of the risk assessment, access is provided to the online administration area and reports for each user. This provides designated line managers with a view of responses where risks may be present, with suggested action points in each case.
  • Designated line managers attend to any manual handling issues for each user and update the system with their actions and comments. When all actions are completed a final PDF report is generated for each user.

Detailed training provided via slideshow

  • Visually engaging and easy to understand
  • Indicates all key health and safety factors relevant to manual handling
  • Training points and tips are provided relating to each area of the manual handling training

Manual handling assessment questionnaire

  • Detailed assessment questions relating to all areas and scenarios involved with manual handling
  • Pre-assessment disclaimer
  • Simple multiple-choice answers
  • Drop down list of pre-determined ‘issue’ responses
  • Option to go ‘back’ during assessment
  • Can pause the assessment at any stage and come back and complete the assessment at a later date or time.

Management Reporting System

  • Separate login page and password
  • Automated feedback of user answers
  • Recommended action provided for all outstanding user issues
  • Management comments entry box for each question
  • Automated PDF generator on completion
  • Easy to view all the awaiting, incomplete assessments and also the issues with actions required
  • Option to view issues dependent on risk priority level (high, medium, low, no action required)

Email management

  • The email function allows the automation of the system.
  • Client provides data for each user (name and email address).
  • Once uploaded the manual handling system recognises all users taking the assessment.
  • An initial launch email is automatically sent to all users with personal login details.
  • Email reminders can be setup and sent to users who have not completed their assessment.

Please call our sales team on 020 3303 0980 or contact us via email or click here.


Posture Group is a leading provider of online and face to face DSE workstation assessments, manual handling assessments, pregnant worker assessments and employee pain assessments UK-wide.

